Registration fees

  • The fees will be paid by bank transfer (see bank details below)
  • Registration fees for access to the conference, proceedings (online), coffee breaks.
  • The conference meal is charged in addition (50 €)
  • Each paper is subject to registration fees and must be presented orally by at least one of its authors.
  • All participants in the Dakar conference must be paid a fee (with or without
  • The members of the steering committee are registered in law for the conference and do not have to pay the registration fee.

We kindly ask you to make the bank transfer as soon as possible; the date has been set for 20 September. As soon as the payment has been made, please send us an e-mail to eutic2019 (at) indicating the references of your payment in this downloadable registration form.

Doctoral students 100 €
Academics and researchers 190 €
Non-academics 250 €
Dinner 50 €

Below bank references for settlement.